Tag: mindfulness

  • this is not the end: this is america

    this is not the end: this is america

    This is not a call to arms. Hat tip to Richard Payne for alerting me to a post (now nearly two months old) by Glenn Wallis regarding the Mindfulness Living Week and the “tipping point” of American Buddhism. You should read Wallis’ piece while listening to Childish Gambino’s “This is America.” As Payne reminds us,…

  • On oxymorons, briefly

    On oxymorons, briefly

    The author of a review over at Trike of the Steve Jobs movie used the following phrase: These days, Buddha branding of all sorts of things has created the oxymoron of a Buddhist consumerism. I have nothing to say about this review nor the movie since, I’ll be honest, I didn’t read the whole review…

  • Mindfulessness

    A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to participate in the Mindfulness and Compassion conference at San Francisco State University. (Round-ups can be found here and here.) I’ve been meaning to write something about the experience, but nothing has gelled.

  • Via “Power and Pedagogy”

    It seems to me that the advice of the Buddha was not to change how you think about things so that you’re happy and content with them as they are, but rather to see things as they are. That might be the most important thing you read all week. Really read it. Really let it…

  • Criticism

    I am very late to the non-Buddhism/x-Buddhism party, let alone the post that inspires what I’m about to say. So the following isn’t mean to comment on, one way or the other, that ongoing discourse. Something written on the Speculative Non-Buddhism Blog that I happened to read over this past weekend triggered some other memory…