ALC23 Update

AIDS LifeCycle 3000 donationsAs readers know, in 2023 I’m participating in the AIDS/LifeCycle ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles this June. Seven days, 545 miles to raise money to help end HIV/AIDS and support folks living with it and vital public health services provided by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and the LA LGBT Center.

In order to participate, I need to raise at least $3500 — and thanks to some donations this weekend, I’ve already reached $3300! I’m thrilled to be so close to this goal and deeply appreciative of all the folks (friends, family, and even strangers) who have donated. Of course, my person goal is to raise at least $5000, and I’ve got another five months to do it, so if you have the means, please consider supporting the cause. Donation are immediately put to use (that is, they don’t wait till June to disperse the money, they use it right away). And use this matching gift tool to see if your employer will match your donation. You never know, and that could double your donation which would be pretty cool!

Apart from raising money, of course, what I really need to do is get my ass in shape! I just got home from my first ride of the year, and earlier this week re-joined the Y so I can train even when it’s raining (which it’s been doing a lot of recently here in California). So here’s a bunch of pictures I’ve taken while riding over the last few months. Enjoy!

my bikethe view from the lookout on the eastern span of the bay bridgemy longest ride to date the two bridge tour


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