Author: Scott
The book
I sent off the final page proofs of my forthcoming book to the publisher earlier this month. I assume that means it’s all said and done, that’s all she wrote, whatever mistakes were made and not caught will just go to press, and I’ll have to live to this thing for the rest of my…
On tattoos and whiteness
Seeing my name in (digital) print, I can’t help but to comment a bit further on this piece published by Tricycle on Buddhist tattoos. I’m not going to comment too much on the meat of the issue, but I did want to comment a bit on what I was trying to do when I spoke…
On oxymorons, briefly
The author of a review over at Trike of the Steve Jobs movie used the following phrase: These days, Buddha branding of all sorts of things has created the oxymoron of a Buddhist consumerism. I have nothing to say about this review nor the movie since, I’ll be honest, I didn’t read the whole review…
The stories we tell
From America’s most trusted news network: Study Finds Every Style Of Parenting Produces Disturbed, Miserable Adults. Our daughter turned four last year. Hands down, the past four years have been some of the most joyous, profound, fun, exhausting, and frustrating years of my life. I feel like I must look like those before and after…
Not everyone must be Buddhist
I was just going to tweet the following sentiment. But then it became a short rant. It may not be long enough for a bona fide blog post. But I can’t think of where else to get this off my chest. More substantive posts are forthcoming. I promise. I cannot tell you how sad it…
Dispatch from AAR
For context, it’s Monday afternoon, and I’ve found a comfortable spot to write in the Tibetan sand mandala exhibit. As such, I am surrounded by chanting and the sound of sand mandala construction, a repetitive metal scratching from their implements as the monks construct the mandala. Oh, and, of course, the occasional cell phone going…
Buddhist Studies at AAR
In a few days’ time, thousands of religion scholars will descend on the city of Atlanta. Consider yourself warned. As in years past, I have compiled a list of Buddhist-y things happening at AAR. I was hopeful to be able to do that this year; however, time has gotten away from me. Which is just…
Worth Fighting For
In a previous incarnation of this blog — indeed what feels like a previous incarnation of my life — after receiving some well-deserved and pointed criticism, I wrote a post about the pitfalls of blogging while on the academic job market. I had begun blogging while still in grad school, when the only people who…
A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to participate in the Mindfulness and Compassion conference at San Francisco State University. (Round-ups can be found here and here.) I’ve been meaning to write something about the experience, but nothing has gelled.
A couple of quick professional updates, filed in the “self-promotion” category. First, a big box of books landed on my desk today. After much hard work, Natalie Quli’s and my edited volume, Buddhism Beyond Borders, has been printed and is ready for purchase. Or for review copy request. Or for borrowing from your local library. It…