Tag: social media

  • An Empty Gesture

    As has been announced, come July 1, 2024, my title will officially change from “dean” to “president.” I do not believe that I have fully internalized the gravity of this transition, but I suspect that that will change, gradually and then all of a sudden, over the next several months as I go through the…

  • more updated social media stuff

    more updated social media stuff

    Now that we’re a month away from the launch of The Book, I imagine I might be posting more on the internets. But it also occurred to me that over the last couple of months I haven’t really been engaging with social media much. The fact of the matter is that ever since Space Karen…

  • updated thoughts on social media

    So things are going well for the new owner of the bird site, don’t you think? No? Neither did I. So here’s a quick update to my “how I use social media” post from a couple months back. It’s a quick post because nine days ago I tested positive for covid and am still recovering…

  • Some thoughts on the new boss

    Some thoughts on the new boss

    In the fall of 1998 I was working in a warehouse in Oakland and living with some friends in San Francisco. My room was basically a closet at the back of the apartment, but it had a loft with room for a futon and enough space for a small desk and my Macintosh Performa. What…

  • Some thoughts on social media

    [update: given the ongoing train wreck that is the bird site under its new management, I’ve updated my “how I use social media” post.] [update number 2: it’s a slow-sinking ship to be sure; regardless I seem to have fallen out of the social media habit so here’s another update post.] Over the past several…